
Hardware & Networking


GIT group provide all kind of computer hardware, Laptops, branded systems etc. We believe that there is no substitute of hard work therefore we always try to give our best services to our clients. That is why we place a high degree of importance to relationship. And our name shows that only (Global). We Provide all types of Laptop accessories, Motherboards, Memory, Pen Drives, Routers, MP3 layers, Keyboards, Mice, Mouse, Tablets, Touch pads. At GIT, we provide a solution for you, whether you are an individual or large corporation. GIT Technologies offers a full range of services from consumer printer repairs to managing large network servers. We offer onsite repairs and yearly service contracts. No job is too big or too small. If you're looking for one company who can do it all for you - call GIT Technologies, let us provide you with a solution today.


We deal in assembled as well as branded desktop computers along with 1-year onsite service & hardware warranty.


We have wide range of laptops for you. Customer can easily find his choice of laptop by mailing us or by calling us.


Hardware & Networking


GIT group provide all kind of computer hardware, Laptops, branded systems etc. We believe that there is no substitute of hard work therefore we always try to give our best services to our clients. That is why we place a high degree of importance to relationship. And our name shows that only (Global). We Provide all types of Laptop accessories, Motherboards, Memory, Pen Drives, Routers, MP3 layers, Keyboards, Mice, Mouse, Tablets, Touch pads. At GIT, we provide a solution for you, whether you are an individual or large corporation. GIT Technologies offers a full range of services from consumer printer repairs to managing large network servers. We offer onsite repairs and yearly service contracts. No job is too big or too small. If you're looking for one company who can do it all for you - call GIT Technologies, let us provide you with a solution today.

  • Wired Networks
  • Wireless Networks
  • Wireless Network Speeds
  • Wireless Network Hardware
GIT group provide all kind of computer hardware, Laptops, branded systems etc. We believe that there is no substitute of hard work therefore we always try to give our best services to our clients.
That is why we place a high degree of importance to relationship. And our name shows that only (Global). We Provide all types of Laptop accessories, Motherboards, Memory, Pen Drives, Routers, MP3 layers, Keyboards, Mice, Mouse, Tablets, Touch pads.

Hardware & Networking


A server is a computer program or device that provides a service to another computer program and its user, also known as the client. In a data center, the physical computer that a server program runs on is also frequently referred to as a server.

  • The HTTP protocol to send Web pages to a client's.
  • A server stores, sends, and receives data.
  • The location of the data centre where your website is hosted.
  • Microsoft Windows Server OS (operating system)
  • A series of enterprise-class server operating systems
  • Apache HTTP Server
Microsoft Windows Server OS (operating system) is a series of enterprise-class server operating systems designed to share services with multiple users and provide extensive administrative control of data storage, applications and corporate networks.
A DNS name server is a server that stores the DNS records, such as address (A, AAAA) records, name server (NS) records, and mail exchanger (MX) records for a domain name (see also List of DNS record types) and responds with answers to queries against its database.
A name server is a server that returns an IP address when given a domain name. This IP address is basically the domain's location on the Internet.

Hardware & Networking


GIT Technologies provides cost effective software maintenance and upgrade services as part of our services. Our expert software professionals provide successful and timely support. They resolve the problems quickly, perform through tests, implement timely updates and document the changes as per the change management policies enforced. GIT Technologies provides a better way to control maintenance costs.

Our professional software maintenance team has expertise in areas, such as, version upgrade, language migration, database migration, porting, re-engineering and functionality upgrades amongst others.

  • Sever AMC Service
  • Computer AMC Services
  • Computer Maintenance Service
  • Laptop Repairing
  • Computer Repairing
  • Annual Maintenance
We can enable your existing software application to meet your business requirements in a more effective manner.
Our professional software maintenance team can effectively enable your existing software to meet new challenges and opportunities. Our software maintenance services can help you competently meet the growing requirements and demands of your customers.

Hardware & Networking

Other Services

GIT Technologies design, develop and implement a variety of systems and applications for clients. We give perfect services to our clients to fulfill their requirements to achieving their goals. We involve ourselves from the project first stage, see all phases of development, testing and implementation and follow it up with maintenance.

  • Computer Hardwares
  • Networking
  • Servers
  • Project/Product Development
  • Mobility
  • Annual Maintenance
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